Areas of Educational Expertise
• Home Economics
• Vocational Education
• Science
• Health
• Bible
• Personal Finance
Educational Philosophy
All Truth comes from God and every subject can be studied through a Christian worldview. We seek to educate the whole person, including the mind, body, and spirit. Character development and academic excellence are key values.
About Me
Carrie is a northwest native and spent five years living in Arlington, VA. She earned a B.S. in Home Economics Education at Oregon State University and a graduate certificate in Bible at Multnomah University. She also did graduate work at several universities in Oregon. After substitute teaching, she taught grades 7-12 before resigning to stay home with her children. She homeschooled and understands what it is like to be a homeschooling parent.
Carrie and her husband, Gordon, started Salmon Creek Learning Center in 1993. The following year, they were asked to develop a parent qualifying course and began teaching The Homeschooling Seminar. Carrie then started offering testing and assessment services to homeschooling families. She developed the Planning for High School and Beyond workshop to assist families in creating a plan to meet the future goals of their students. Salmon Creek Learning Center serves local homeschooling families who want to continue home schooling through high school. The small group classes allows for individual support from a teacher who understands homeschooling.
Check out the Salmon Creek Learning Center Facebook page for recent pictures, articles on education, and upcoming events.
About My Learning Center
Salmon Creek Learning Center is in the Salmon Creek area of Vancouver, WA. The families have been home schooling and their desire is to continue that format.
For every day students attend classes outside the home, they lose a day of home schooling, so we have all classes on one day of the week. The schedule is based on the needs of the enrolled students and are back-to-back on one day. Classes are purposely kept small and range from two to ten students to allow for individualized instruction. When possible, classes are scheduled so siblings can take classes together. Additional subjects are supervised by the parents at home.
The Salmon Creek Learning Center News is a monthly newsletter sent out to families in the learning center with information on what’s happening in classes, acknowledges student achievements, includes school field trips and events, and includes a calendar.
Parents meet quarterly with the teacher for evaluation of student work and progress. Conferences can be scheduled more often if requested. Students are welcome to attend the conferences.
• Individual assessments
• Standardized testing (CAT/5)
• The Homeschooling Seminar, a parent qualifying course that meets the WA state requirement
• Planning for High School and Beyond , a workshop for families, including students age 11 and up
"Carrie Patterson is our teacher consultant. She is a very knowledgeable teacher, and a great person."
Our Class Offerings
This year’s classes include:
9:00 - 10:30 am Biblical Worldview
10:30 am -11:30 am Advanced Writing & Grammar
11:30 - 1:00 pm ASL 1
1:00 - 2:30 pm Physical Science Lab
2:30 - 3:30 pm Beginning Writing & Grammar
3:30 - 4:30 pm Algebra 1

Please contact us! We would love to talk with you.